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TagsAmethystBeetle, Train, dakimakura_design, inanimate
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Info1200x800 // 133KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: German ICE-4?
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Anonymous2: Our train derailed because the engine was horny.
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4N6: @ Anomymous1: either German ICE 4 or ICE 2...
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Anonymous3: This attempt at making a train sexy is woefully unsuccessful for a multitude of reasons. There appears to have been little to no thought regarding the actual mechanics of intercourse during the designing of this body pillow. The vagina is not in a location that is accessible for intercourse, nor is it appealing, this combined with the tongue's lack of length makes the prospect of having sex with this train unappealing at best. As for the actual appearance of the train the windows have had very little detail given, nor are any real identifying marks as to what kind of train this is been made readily apparent. Overall this attempt is only worthy of a 3/10. do better.
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: How about you draw your version of it if it bothers you that much?

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